Yoga tutor courses
Application forms for the next yoga teacher course (2021) 
SYA yoga teacher course - part 1-4
1st part: stand by; venue: Kováčska 16, Košice 2nd part: stand by; venue: Kováčska 16, Košice 3rd part: before completion; venue: Kováčska 16, Košice
EUY part: to be opened; venue: Kováčska 16, Košice Special tuition weekend: will be announced;
Note: For the 1-3rd level yoga teacher course (in accordance with Act 440/2015) , minimum 1 year of practical experience, for the full EUY level minimum 3 years of practical experience are necessary.
The teacher training course (1-3) was accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Slovak Republic (No. 2012-920/10906:5-10). Part 1-4 of the SYA yoga teacher course is accredited also by the European Union of Yoga. The Act No. 440/2015 delimited the teacher training course management to Slovak Yoga Association. Tutorial team is composed of senior teachers of member organizations and of the specialists from Universities with which the SYA has cooperation contracts (UPJŠ Kosice, FTVŠ UK Bratislava)
From March 2017 the 3 parts of the teacher training will be provided according to Act.No. 440/2015 and Decree No. 110/2016. The EUY part (cca 200h) will be provided according to the relevant segment of the TTP programme approved by the EUY.
Course contents - presented on demand (